When spring arrived there are plenty of chores to be done outdoors. Here are the list of what to do.
- Plant cool season crops, peas, lettuce, cabbage, onions, kale, chard, if conditions permit
- Devide hosta, daylilies, mums and peonies in late March
- Fertilize rhubab with manure or a complete fertilizer.
- Fertilize evergreen shrubs and trees.
- Drench crowns of raspberry plants with nematodes to control raspberry cane borer.
- Plant berry crops, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries.
- Prune gooseberries and currants; fertilize with manure or a complete fertilizer.
- Spray trees and shrubs for webworms, leafrollers, if present.
- Spray to control leaf and twin fungus diseases in sycamore, hawthorne and willow trees.
- Take geraniums, begonias, dahlias, gladiolus from storage.
- Keep tuberous begonias indoors
- Prune spring flowering shrubs after blossoms fade.
- Fertilize rhododendrons, camellias, azaleas with acid type fertilizer.
- Spread compost over garden and landscape areas.Best time of year to thatch and renovate lawns.
- Plant vegetable garden carefully for spring, summer and fall eating and preservation.
- Protect new plant growth from slugs. Use bait or traps.